Dual Degree Programs

Fisk Dual Degree Programs

Fisk University has a amazing history working with some of the countries fellow elite universities to help further our student education. Fisk currently has dual degree programs with Case Western Reserve University and Vanderbilt University focusing on the Pre-Professional programs.

The Fisk/Vanderbilt Dual Degree program allows a student to earn both a Bachelor's Degree from Fisk with a science major (Biology, Chemistry, 数学,计算机科学和物理)加上学士学位 Vanderbilt University in Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, 电气工程或机械工程专业. This is a five year program, with the first three years spent in residence at Fisk and the last two years spent living on the Vanderbilt campus.

才有资格参加这个项目, students must begin taking Vanderbilt engineering courses while still at Fisk (no later than the first semester of the junior year) and do well enough in these courses plus their Fisk coursework to qualify for admission to Vanderbilt. 这需要特别注意在菲斯克学习的课程顺序, 因此,应尽快与菲斯克双学位顾问联系.

有关范德比尔特工程项目的信息可以在 范德比尔特工程学院网站.

该项目是由澳门皇冠赌场平台和北京大学合作的“3 + 2”双学位项目 Case Western Reserve University, 获得生物学文学学士(BA)或理学学士(BS)学位, Chemistry, Computer Science, 澳门皇冠赌场平台的数学和物理专业,凯斯大学的工程学士学位. Dual Degree Students can major in the following disciplines at Case Western Reserve University School of Engineering:

有关凯斯西部保护区项目的信息可在 凯斯西储双学位网站.

Vanderbilt University

  • 在第三年秋天的10月或11月, students should make a formal application to the Vanderbilt Office of Undergraduate Admissions as a special case (three-two students) of the transfer application process.
  • 在启动申请流程之前, the student should make sure that the 3-2 liaisons in the home school and at Vanderbilt (Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, School of Engineering, Cynthia B. Paschal, PhD., AIMBE Fellow) can certify them as having met the requirements of our dual-degree contract (B average, proper pre-engineering courses, 以及家庭机构的推荐). The home school liaison should communicate his/her recommendation to Dean Paschal and to the Vanderbilt Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
  • 与VU本科招生联系应通过招生主任约翰O. Gaines (  ). 请确保范德比尔特招生办公室明白你是3-2转学申请人.
  • 申请按需资助, if appropriate, 应该作为招生申请过程的一部分吗. 不提供优异(荣誉)奖学金.
  • Admissions will initiate arrangements with our immigration officers (if appropriate) and housing (if needed). 我们不能保证转学生有住房,但我们可以帮助他们.

The student should obtain the form 尽快在大一从双学位导师, and complete and return it so that the advisor can inform the student as to the requirements of the program. 请注意,完成此表格并不意味着学生被该计划录取. Formal admission to the program occurs when the student has completed the work necessary to begin taking courses in the Vanderbilt Engineering School, 通常是在大二或者大三的上半学期, has completed an application, 已获双学位委员会接纳. 继续学习该课程需要取得成功的学业进步.

  • 主修课程(约30-39小时,视专业而定)
  • Core curriculum courses
  • 选修课和专业相关课程

学生必须在菲斯克主修自然科学、数学或计算机科学中的一门. 通常,菲斯克专业将由范德比尔特大学期望的工程专业决定. 应该咨询双学位顾问. A more detailed description of 适当的工程前准备 is available. 学生必须满足VU学位的学位要求, 包括至少60个小时的范德比尔特课程

  • Major courses (approx. 40 hours)
  • 课程选修课和相关课程(约. 20 hours)

学生将被告知具体的科学知识, mathematics and computer science courses that he/she must complete at Fisk before he/she can transfer to Vanderbilt University. 这些课程可能会根据学生的专业而有所不同. The program is designed for the student to take all of his or her courses at Fisk during the freshman year. The student should normally cross register to take one to three hours at Vanderbilt each semester of the sophomore year. 在交叉注册之前申请双学位课程是必要的. The student should cross register to take four to eight hours at Vanderbilt during each semester of the junior year. The courses taken must be those specified in the curricula that have been approved for each dual degree program.

在大三下学期的1月15日之前, 学生应该填写适当的文件转到范德比尔特大学. 学生的所有财务事务将由范德比尔特大学处理. This means:

  • 学生应该将他/她的FAFSA信息表和个人资料发送到范德比尔特大学.
  • The student will have to get a transfer application from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions from Vanderbilt University and make sure that it is marked as a Dual Degree Program applicant's.
  • 学生必须将澳门皇冠赌场平台的成绩单寄到范德比尔特大学.

一旦做了这个,如果学生得到3.菲斯克和范德比尔特大学的平均分不低于5分, 无论是整体还是数学和科学, 范德比尔特双学位协调员将向V推荐.U. Admissions Office the admission of the student and Vanderbilt will provide the student with information on his/her housing contract.

While a Vanderbilt student, 所有学生的财务问题将通过范德比尔特大学处理. 学生将支付范德比尔特大学的学费. The student must keep in mind that all bills must be paid at Vanderbilt each semester before he or she will be allowed to continue the following semester.

The student will be responsible for making sure that each university has all the required information on them in order to graduate. The most important requirement is that the student must transfer his/her Vanderbilt transcript to Fisk the last semester before graduation. This is necessary so that Fisk can substitute major courses taken at Vanderbilt for the rest of the program electives and cognates needed to meet the graduation requirements from Fisk.

Case Western Reserve University

  • Case的申请是通过Case的本科招生办公室进行的. 申请过程可以通过本科招生主页在线查看, http://admission.case.edu/. Acceptance into the Program and Case shall be at the sole discretion of Case and the student's application does not guarantee acceptance.

    学生在菲斯克的第三年结束之前接受该计划是有条件的, with formal admission contingent upon the student's final grade point average and academic requirements at the end of the third year meeting the Program requirements. 学生必须向Case提供正式成绩单, as soon as it becomes available, 在案件做出最终决定之前. Final acceptance into the Program is contingent upon Case's issuance of a written statement confirming said acceptance.

    Each student shall be responsible for paying the tuition and fees to the institution in which he or she is enrolled during the time enrolled and for complying with all of the policies and procedures of such institution. 双学位课程的学生可以申请并有资格获得经济援助 http://finaid.case.edu


  • Complete the equivalent of 90 semester hours or 135 quarter hours at the University and earn a grade point average of 3.0 or greater on a scale of 0.0-4.0. 此外,学生必须有一个3.澳门皇冠赌场平台数学和科学课程的累计平均成绩为0分.
  • 完成当时根据案例制定的双学位入学课程要求. (At the time of execution of this agreement, the requirements are set forth on the Case website at www.engineering.case.edu/desp/dualdegree )
  • 在菲斯克纪律良好.